Cosmetic Dentistry and How it Can Improve Your Health

cosmetic dentistryThere are a lot of different areas of dentistry, but cosmetic dentistry places a focus on enhancing the appearance of your mouth, teeth, and smile. This type of oral care is heavily sought after for appearances, but it can also play a huge role in improving your health.

Cosmetic dentistry procedures range from simple to complex. While they are not always recognized by insurance companies as necessary, there are benefits to having these types of procedures.

Inlays and Onlays

Perhaps you have had a filling before, well inlays and onlays are an indirect filling. They are constructed at a dental laboratory and used to fill a tooth that is suffering from mild to moderate decay. They may also be used because the tooth does not have enough structure to accept a regular filling.

If there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth, then an inlay can simply be put directly over the tooth surface. If there is damage to the cusp then an onlay will be used to cover the entire surface of the tooth.

Both inlays and onlays are constructed from composite resin material. They are applied to a tooth with the use of adhesive dental cement. These types of fillings look nice and help strengthen weakened teeth. It will also restore the tooth’s shape and help deter any decay from happening in the future.

Composite Bonding

When decay or damage occurs, it can cause discoloration. Composite bonding repairs this type of damage and discoloration by using a material that mimics the color of tooth enamel. For this procedure, the dentist will rid the tooth of all decay and then apply the composite on the surface of the tooth. They will then sculpt the material so that it is the correct shape of your tooth.

Once it is shaped the composite will be cured using a high-intensity light. This will hide the tooth’s damage and leave you with a healthy-looking tooth in its place. This type of procedure is cost-effective and a perfect solution for those who are suffering from tooth decay, chipped or cracked teeth.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are constructed with medical-grade ceramic to meet the needs of each patient. The finish results will look just like a natural tooth. With this realistic look, dentist solve many cosmetic issues, including crooked teeth, cracked or damaged enamel, or to fill in gaps between teeth. The veneer will be attached to the front of a tooth using a special dental adhesive.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is highly popular in the world of cosmetic dentistry. There are tons of different techniques that can be used. However, only your dentist can offer the most effective teeth whitening techniques in their office. This type of procedure will help remove years of stains caused by a build-up of plaque and tartar. The results will leave you with natural-looking teeth that are shiny and white.

Many people seek out this type of treatment to lighten the shade of their teeth. It is highly effective if your teeth are discolored or naturally a darker shade of white. Foods, medications, drinks and personal habits can all cause teeth to become stained. Whitening will help lift those stains. It can be done at home by using whitening kits or toothpaste. However, more effective treatments are offered in the office.


When tooth loss occurs, a patient can opt to have dental implants. During this procedure, your dentist will insert titanium screws into the jaw where the tooth is missing. It will be able to then support a crown or fake tooth. The perfect way to supplement in a single tooth. The false tooth will look and act just like your other teeth. There will be no need for messy glues or gels to bond the tooth, as this is the purpose of the titanium screw.

The bone and surrounding tissue will fuse to the implant, giving the patient a permanent and secure fit. It will be vital for you to practice good oral care during the implant process. This will ensure plaque and food particles are cleaned from the area.

There are many cosmetic dentistry procedures that you can consider. It is important that you understand what is involved in each procedure, so you can properly care for your teeth afterward. This will ensure your investment in cosmetic dentistry last for years to come and helps to protect your teeth from any future decay or damage. Your teeth are one of the first things that an individual will notice about you, so make sure you give them the proper care that they deserve.

Gernot Winkler, DDS, is dedicated to serving clients with general and family, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry. Located in Fallbrook, Dr. Winkler sees patients throughout San Diego County including neighboring cities such as Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, and Temecula.